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We no longer argue about who gave who a putt earlier in the round. The GimmeStick standardizes what's good or not. If it's outside the stick, you gotta putt it!


member sdcc

Gimmes used to be all over the place in our matches. So just like we all play from the same tees, we started using the GimmeStick to be consistent with our gimme length. It's made our matches faster and more fun, especially if there's something on the line!


Retired Professional Hockey player

Been a big fan of the gimme putt as I stress over short putts. So the GimmeStick is great to make it fair and just approve gimme putts during the round.



The gimmestick has been a great tool to end the good debate between my friends and I while playing. It is so easy to stowaway in my bag and doesn't allow any room for arugments!


Competitive Junior Golfer

Solid product that works great for match play or just any betting games we have


Amateur golfer

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325cfd32 32cd 4e0a 98e2 0c7f7d2b74a6

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